on 11/07/2010 15:54 Andriy Gapon said the following:

>on 11/07/2010 14:21 Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk said the following:
>>     I'm planning on running FreeBSD in VirtualBox (with a Linux host)
>>     and giving it raw disk access to four drives, which I plan to
>>     configure as a raidz2 volume.
>> Wouldn't it be better or just as good to use fuse-zfs for such a
>> configuration? I/O from VirtualBox isn't really very good, but then, I
>> haven't tested the linux/fbsd configuration...

Like Freddie already mentioned, I'd heard that fuse-zfs wasn't really all that 
good of an option, and I wanted something that was more stable/reliable.

>Hmm, an unexpected question IMHO - wouldn't it better to just install FreeBSD 
>the hardware? :-)
>If an original poster is using Linux as a host OS, then probably he has some
>very good reason to do that.  But performance and etc -wise, directly using
>FreeBSD, of course, should win over fuse-zfs.  Right?
>[Installing and maintaining one OS instead of two is the first thing that comes
>to mind]

I'm going with a virtual machine because the box I ended up building for this 
was way more powerful than I needed for just my file server; thus, I figured 
use it as a personal machine too.  (I wanted ECC RAM, and there just aren't 
many motherboards that support ECC RAM that are also really cheap and 
low-powered.)  And since I'm much more comfortable with Linux, I wanted to use 
it for the "personal" side of things.

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