
Thanks for the quick response.  Consulting ZFS history I note the following

"imported" my three disk raid-z pool originally created on the most "recent"
version of OpenSolaris but now running NexantaStor 3.03
"upgraded" my pool
"destroyed" two file systems I was no longer using (neither of these were of
course the file system at issue)
"destroyed" a snapshot on another filesystem
played around with permissions (these were my only actions directly on the
file system)

None of these actions seemed to have a negative impact on the filesystem and
it was working well when I gracefully shutdown (to physically move the

I am a bit at a loss.  With copy-on-write and a clean pool how can I have


On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Cindy Swearingen <> wrote:

> Brian,
> You might try using zpool history -il to see what ZFS operations,
> if any, might have lead up to this problem.
> If zpool history doesn't provide any clues, then what other
> operations might have occurred prior to this state?
> It looks like something trappled this file system...
> Thanks,
> Cindy
> On 08/02/10 10:26, Brian wrote:
>> Thanks Preston.  I am actually using ZFS locally, connected directly to 3
>> sata drives in a raid-z pool. The filesystem is ZFS and it mounts without
>> complaint and the pool is clean.  I am at a loss as to what is happening.
>> -brian

Brian Merrell, Director of Technology
Backstop LLP
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Suite 400
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