> From: opensolaris-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:opensolaris-
> discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
> I'm using a custom snaopshot scheme which snapshots every hour, day,
> week and month, rotating 24h, 7d, 4w and so on. What would be the best
> way to zfs send/receive these things? I'm a little confused about how
> this works for delta udpates.......

Out of curiosity, why custom?  It sounds like a default config.

Anyway, as long as the present destination filesystem matches a snapshot from 
the source system, you can incrementally send any newer snapshot.  Generally 
speaking, you don't want to send anything that's extremely volatile such as 
hourly...  because if the snap of the source disappears, then you have nothing 
to send incrementally from anymore.  Make sense?

I personally send incrementals once a day, and only send the daily incrementals.

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