
I am attempting to move a bunch of zfs filesystems from one pool to another.

Mostly this is working fine, but one collection of file systems is causing me 
problems, and repeated re-reading of "man zfs" and the ZFS Administrators Guide 
is not helping.  I would really appreciate some help/advice.

Here is the scenario.
I have a nested (hierarchy) of zfs file systems.
Some of the deeper fs are snapshotted.
All this exists on the source zpool
First I recursively snapshotted the whole subtree:

   zfs snapshot -r nasp...@xfer-11292010 

Here is a subset of the source zpool:

# zfs list -r naspool
NAME                                               USED  AVAIL  REFER  
naspool                                           1.74T  42.4G  37.4K  /naspool
nasp...@xfer-11292010                                 0      -  37.4K  -
naspool/openbsd                                    113G  42.4G  23.3G  
naspool/open...@xfer-11292010                         0      -  23.3G  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4                               21.6G  42.4G  2.33G  
naspool/openbsd/4...@xfer-11292010                     0      -  2.33G  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/ports                          592M  42.4G   200M  
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@patch000                52.5M      -   169M  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@patch006                54.7M      -   194M  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@patch007                54.9M      -   194M  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@patch013                55.1M      -   194M  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@patch016                35.1M      -   200M  -
naspool/openbsd/4.4/po...@xfer-11292010               0      -   200M  -

Now I want to send this whole hierarchy to a new pool.

# zfs create npool/openbsd                                                      
# zfs send -R naspool/open...@xfer-11292010 | zfs receive -Fv  npool/openbsd    
receiving full stream of naspool/open...@xfer-11292010 into 
received 23.5GB stream in 883 seconds (27.3MB/sec)
cannot receive new filesystem stream: destination has snapshots (eg. 
must destroy them to overwrite it

What am I doing wrong?  What is the proper way to accomplish my goal here?

And I have a follow up question:

I had to snapshot the source zpool filesystems in order to zfs send them.

Once they are received on the new zpool, I really don't need nor want this 
"snapshot" on the receiving side.
Is it OK to zfs destroy that snapshot?

I've been pounding my head against this problem for a couple of days, and I 
would definitely appreciate any tips/pointers/advice.

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