Hi everyone


I am currently testing Solaris 11 Express. I currently have a root pool on a
mirrored pair of small disks, and a data pool consisting of 2 mirrored pairs
of 1.5TB drives.


I have enabled auto snapshots on my root pool, and plan to archive the daily
snapshots onto my data pool. I was wondering how easy it would be, in the
case of a root pool failure (i.e. both disks giving up the ghost), to
restore these backups to a new disk? Or even if it would be possible to boot
from the latest snapshot, somehow?


In a related topic, how easy is it to move a root pool? I am considering
getting a pair of SSDs to use for ZIL, L2ARC and root pool, but am rather
worried it will be quite a painful process to move the root pool onto them.
The plan is to use 16GB or so for rpool, mirrored, then divide the rest
between L2ARC and a mirrored ZIL, on 64GB SSDs.


Cheers in advance


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