> I can live with that-- but I really want to know what (real, not virtual)
> controllers disks are connected to; I want to build 3 8-disk RAIDz2 vdevs
> now (with room for a fourth for expansion later) and I really want to make
> sure each of those vdevs has fewer than three disks per controller so
> a single controller failure can degrade my vdevs but not kill them.

I cannot but agree. On Linux and Windoze (haven't tested FreeBSD), drives 
connected to an LSI9211 show up in the correct order, but not on OI/osol/S11ex 
(IIRC), and fmtopo doesn't always show a mapping between device name and slot, 
since that relies on the SES hardware being properly supported. The answer I've 
got for this issue is, it's not an issue, since it's that way by design etc. 
This doesn't make sense when Linux/Windows show the drives in the correct 
order. IMHO this looks more like a design flaw in the driver code

Vennlige hilsener / Best regards

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
(+47) 97542685
I all pedagogikk er det essensielt at pensum presenteres intelligibelt. Det er 
et elementært imperativ for alle pedagoger å unngå eksessiv anvendelse av 
idiomer med fremmed opprinnelse. I de fleste tilfeller eksisterer adekvate og 
relevante synonymer på norsk.
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