On 5/25/2011 4:37 AM, Frank Van Damme wrote:
Op 24-05-11 22:58, LaoTsao schreef:
With various fock of opensource project
E.g. Zfs, opensolaris, openindina etc there are all different
There are not guarantee to be compatible
I hope at least they'll try. Just in case I want to import/export zpools
between Nexenta and OpenIndiana
Given the new "versioning" governing board, I think that's highly likely.

However, do remember that you might not be able to import a pool from another system, simply because your system can't support the featureset. Ideally, it would be nice if you could just import the pool and use the features your current OS supports, but that's pretty darned dicey, and I'd be very happy if importing worked when both systems supported the same featureset.

Erik Trimble
Java System Support
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