On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 03:50:09PM -0700, Matthew Ahrens wrote:
>  That said, for each block written (unique or not), the DDT must be updated,
> which means reading and then writing the block that contains that dedup
> table entry, and the indirect blocks to get to it.  With a reasonably large
> DDT, I would expect about 1 write to the DDT for every block written to the
> pool (or "written" but actually dedup'd).

That, right there, illustrates exactly why some people are
disappointed wrt performance expectations from dedup.

To paraphrase, and in general: 

 * for write, dedup may save bandwidth but will not save write iops.
 * dedup may amplify iops with more metadata reads 
 * dedup may turn larger sequential io into smaller random io patterns 
 * many systems will be iops bound before they are bandwidth or space
   bound (and l2arc only mitigates read iops)
 * any iops benefit will only come on later reads of dedup'd data, so
   is heavily dependent on access pattern.

Assessing whether these amortised costs are worth it for you can be
complex, especially when the above is not clearly understood.

To me, the thing that makes dedup most expensive in iops is the writes
for update when a file (or snapshot) is deleted.  These are additional
iops that dedup creates, not ones that it substitutes for others in
roughly equal number.  

This load is easily forgotten in a cursory analysis, and yet is always
there in a steady state with rolling auto-snapshots.  As I've written
before, I've had some success managing this load using deferred deletes
and snapshot holds, either to spread the load or to shift it to
otherwise-quiet times, as the case demanded.  I'd rather not have to. :-)


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