
We have a Sun/Oracle Fishworks appliance that we have spent a good amount of $ on. This is a great box and we love it, although the EDU discounts that Sun used to provide for hardware and support contracts seem to have dried up so the cost of supporting it moving forward is still unknown.

My question is how compatible are the ZPOOL versions between the open-source ZFS implementations and the latest on-disk format from Fishworks' ZFS...

Heres what I see, having applied the very latest "firmware" (2010.Q3.2.1) to the box, and applying the deferred updates (zpool upgrades)

pike# zpool get version internal
internal  version   28       default
pike# zpool get version external-J4400-12x1TB
NAME                   PROPERTY  VALUE    SOURCE
external-J4400-12x1TB  version   28       default

Can I expect to move my JBOD over to a different OS such as FreeBSD, Illuminos, or Solaris and be able to get my data off still? (by this i mean perform a zpool import on another platform)

The compatibility of ZFS was a major selling point for us getting in to this appliance originally ... we were swayed by the "open storage" marketing and whatnot... I guess Im asking if it looks like the situation has changed. Apologies for the "fuzzy" question


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