yes good idea, another things to keep in mind
technology change so fast, by the time you want a replacement, may be HDD does exist any more or the supplier changed, so the drives are not exactly like your original drive

On 5/28/2011 6:05 PM, Michael DeMan wrote:
Always pre-purchase one extra drive to have on hand.  When you get it, confirm 
it was not dead-on-arrival by hooking up on an external USB to a workstation 
and running whatever your favorite tools are to validate it is okay.  Then put 
it back in its original packaging, and put a label on it about what it is, and 
that it is a spare for box(s) XYZ disk system.

When a drive fails, use that one off the shelf to do your replacement 
immediately then deal with the RMA, paperwork, and snailmail to get the bad 
drive replaced.

Also, depending how many disks you have in your array - keeping multiple spares 
can be a good idea as well to cover another disk dying while waiting on that 
replacement one.

In my opinion, the above goes whether you have your disk system configured with 
hot spare or not.  And the technique is applicable to both personal/home-use 
and commercial uses if your data is important.

- Mike

On May 28, 2011, at 9:30 AM, Brian wrote:

I have a raidz2 pool with one disk that seems to be going bad, several errors 
are noted in iostat.  I have an RMA for the drive, however - no I am wondering 
how I proceed.  I need to send the drive in and then they will send me one 
back.  If I had the drive on hand, I could do a zpool replace.

Do I do a zpool offline? zpool detach?
Once I get the drive back and put it in the same drive bay..  Is it just a zpool 
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