2011-06-18 0:24, marty scholes wrote:
>> It makes me wonder how large shops with thousands of spindles handle this.

> We pay for the brand-name disk enclosures or servers where the fault-management stuff is supported by Solaris.
> Including the blinky lights.
> <grin>
Funny you say that.

My Sun v40z connected a pair of Sun A5200 arrays running OSol 128a can't see the enclosures. The luxadm command comes up blank.

Except for that annoyance (and similar other issues) the Sun gear works well with a Sun operating system.

For the sake of weekend sarcasm:

Why would you wonder? That's a wrong brand name, it is too old.
Does it say "Oracle" anywhere on the label? Really, "v40z", pff!
When was it made? Like, in two-thousand-zeros, back when
dinosaurs roamed the earth and Sun was high above horizon?
Is it still supported at all, let alone Solaris (not OSol, may I add)?

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