Putting together a server for a friend's recording studio. He's planning
to do audio editing off the server, so low latency is a big deal. My plan
is to create a pool of two 8-drive RAIDZ2 vdevs and then accelerate
them... But how?

OS if going to be latest OpenIndiana. I have a pair of 40GB SSDs (Crucial)
with good write speeds and a pair of 64GB SSDs ( with good read speeds.
I'd like to mirror the root pool.

My initial thought was mirror the 40GB SSDs for the ZIL and partition the
two 64s; mirror two slices for the rpool and two slices for the L2ARC. If
there's a smarter way to do it, suggestions gratefully accepted. My
current ZFS storage servers are all built around sustained reads/sustained
writes, so tuning the ZIL and L2ARC are still outside my experience.
Dave Pooser
Manager of Information Services
Alford Media Services, Inc.

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