On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Jordi Espasa Clofent
<jespa...@minibofh.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> By default I'm using ZFS for all the zones:
> admjoresp@cyd-caszonesrv-15:~$ zfs list
> NAME                         USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> opt                         4.77G  45.9G   285M  /opt
> opt/zones                   4.49G  45.9G    29K  /opt/zones
> opt/zones/glad-gm02-ftcl01   367M  45.9G   367M  /opt/zones/glad-gm02-ftcl01
> opt/zones/glad-gp02-ftcl01   502M  45.9G   502M  /opt/zones/glad-gp02-ftcl01
> opt/zones/glad-gp02-ftcl02  1.21G  45.9G  1.21G  /opt/zones/glad-gp02-ftcl02
> opt/zones/mbd-tcasino-02     257M  45.9G   257M  /opt/zones/mbd-tcasino-02
> opt/zones/mbd-tcasino-04     281M  45.9G   281M  /opt/zones/mbd-tcasino-04
> opt/zones/mbfd-gp02-ftcl01   501M  45.9G   501M  /opt/zones/mbfd-gp02-ftcl01
> opt/zones/mbfd-gp02-ftcl02   475M  45.9G   475M  /opt/zones/mbfd-gp02-ftcl02
> opt/zones/mbhd-gp02-ftcl01   475M  45.9G   475M  /opt/zones/mbhd-gp02-ftcl01
> opt/zones/mbhd-gp02-ftcl02   507M  45.9G   507M  /opt/zones/mbhd-gp02-ftcl02
> However, I have the compression disabled in all of them.
> According to this Oracle whitepaper
> http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris10/solaris-zfs-in-containers-wp-167903.pdf:
> "The next example demonstrates the compression property. If compression is
> enabled, Oracle Solaris ZFS will transparently compress all of the data
> before it is written to disk. The benefits of compression
> are both saved disk space and possible write speed improvements."
> What exactly means "POSSIBLE" write speed improvements?

compression = possibly less data  to write (depending on the data) =
possibly faster writes

Some data is not compressible (e.g. mpeg4 movies), so in that case you
won't see any improvements.

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