At 01:19 PM 10/7/02 -0600 Marc A. Schindler favored us with:
>I've never been particularly impressed by the musical setting of "I Believe in
>Christ," but maybe for an odd reason. It's not that it's ill-suited to the words
>(although I don't think they are well-matched), it's that they're also ill-suited
>to the *author* of the words, BRMcC. You'd think that they'd have given even a
>relatively contemplative hymn by him some more, I dunno, "oomph" or something. I
>don't mean a potboiler, but something with some more range and and the bass line
>is, I'm sorry, emasculated to me.

Elder McConkie must not have been too offended by the music, even though like yourself 
I don't particularly care for it.  I have a music CD that I bought from Church 
distribution with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing the hymn.  As part of the 
performance, Elder McConkie does a voice over reading the lyrics while the music plays 
in the background.

I don't think that Elder McConkie really had as much "oomph" as some saints believe.  
He was a kind and gentle man just like his father-in-law.  But he preached the 
doctrines without any candy coating.  And since he was generally speaking scripture as 
moved upon by the Holy Ghost, I suppose he thought his preaching ought to be couched 
in "scriptural" language in much the same way that we are all encouraged to say "thee" 
and "thou" when we pray.  A lot of members don't realize it but the language of the 
King James Version is like that.  It was "scriptural" language even at the time it was 
written.  People didn't really talk like that at the time.

John W. Redelfs                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Atheistic humanism is the opiate of the self-described 
intellectuals." --Uncle Bob
"All my opinions are tentative pending further data." --JWR

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