I thought all would like to see this report I have been getting since around 9/11.


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Wednesday, November 6, 2002

The Brookings Update on Terrorism is a weekly advisory prepared by the
Brookings Institution's Project on America’s Response to Terrorism. The
project presents an ongoing series of briefings on various aspects of the
crisis, analytical publications ranging from short 2,000-word papers to
full-length books, and a large and evolving section of the website
containing background resources, government documents, and archived video,
audio, and printed transcripts of Brookings events.


What Should Japan Do Next in the War on Terror?
Michael O'Hanlon writes that he would be personally grateful if Japan
chose this moment to offer an even more impressive contribution to global

A Pas De Deux
Justin Vaisse argues that both countries need this resolution: France,
because a unilateral action would make the Security Council irrelevant,
and America, because an action seen as illegitimate would further
antagonize a world that increasingly tends to see it as a hegemon, not as
a leader.


Does Saudi Arabia Still Matter? Differing Perspectives on the Kingdom and
Its Oil
Shibley Telhami and Fiona Hill argue that although events in the past year
have shown the need for profound political and economic reform in Saudi
Arabia, which would bolster the stability of the kingdom as well as the
global economy, the proposition that the Persian Gulf states and Saudi
Arabia are losing their significance for the United States misses the mark
on several issues.
A full copy of the Foreign Affairs article is available at:


Brookings Institution Dinner: General Richard B. Meyers, Chairman of the
Joint Chief of Staff
General Richard B. Meyers visited the Brookings Institution on Monday,
November 4, 2002. In his remarks, General Meyers discussed the role of
the U.S. military in the current strategic environment and the ways in
which the military plans to support President Bush’s National Security
A complete transcript of this event is available at:

Brookings Press Briefing: The NATO Summit in Prague: Challenges to Bush
and the Alliance
President Bush leaves shortly for Prague to meet his fellow heads of state
from the NATO nations at one of the most important summit meetings in the
alliance's 53-year history. The meeting comes at a time when some of
America's NATO allies notably France and Germany—are actively expressing
opposition to any American-led war to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
Another NATO ally, England, supports strong American moves to rid Iraq of
weapons of mass destruction. Despite this split over Iraq policy, the
NATO alliance has developed defense plans against terrorism, weapons of
mass destruction, and cyberattack, which will be unveiled at the Prague
summit. Additionally, the agenda calls for Bush and the other NATO leaders
to agree on a major modernization of allied military capabilities to deal
with threats in the twenty-first century, including creation of a new NATO
Response Force. A large number of new members in Eastern Europe will be
admitted to membership in NATO at the Prague summit, continuing the
transformation of the alliance, which was originally created after World
War II as a bulwark against a Soviet invasion of Western Europe. At the
briefing, James Steinberg, Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy
Studies; Ivo H. Daalder, Senior Fellow; and Philip H. Gordon, Senior
Fellow, will examine these and other issues that President Bush will
confront in Prague. The discussion will be moderated by the President of
the Brookings Institution, Strobe Talbott.
Please consult the following link for event registration information:

Getting Paris on Board
Whether France ultimately does sanction a war on Iraq will depend on the
degree of Iraqi compliance with any new UN Security Council resolutions,
the threshold set by the Bush administration for the use of force, and the
degree to which France’s interests in a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq will be
protected, argues Philip Gordon.

Don’t Ignore the Sanctions
Without closing off Saddam's $2-3 billion a year smuggling operation, new
inspections may strengthen the bars on Saddam's cage only to leave the
cage door open, writes Martin S. Indyk.

To sign up to receive the Iraq Memo via e-mail, please go to:

The Bush National Security Strategy: An Evaluation
Vice President and Director of the Foreign Policy Studies Program James
Steinberg and Senior Fellows Ivo Daalder and James M. Lindsay analyze
President Bush’s newly released National Security Strategy.

Kashmir: Redefining the U.S. Role
Navnita Chadha Behera analyzes the ways that Washington can move beyond
managing the crisis in Kashmir and help develop a road to peace in the

Interdependent Security: Implications for Homeland Security Policy and
Other Areas
As policymakers grapple with strategies for dealing with homeland security
challenges, a key issue they face is determining when private sector
security activities or government interventions are most effective in
promoting national security. Howard Kunreuther, Geoffrey Heal, and Peter
Orszag argue that in many private sector settings, a combination of
regulations, insurance, and third-party inspections offers the most
auspicious approach to improving security at reasonable economic cost.

Keeping the Trust: Confidence in Charitable Organizations in an Age of
According to ongoing tracking surveys by the Brookings Institution's
Center for Public Service, confidence in charitable organizations and
federated appeals has declined to pre-September 11 levels. Five surveys
tracked confidence in charitable organizations and federated appeals. The
first survey in the trend line was conducted in July 2001 on behalf of
Independent Sector, a Washington, D.C. association that represents
charitable organizations. The other four surveys were conducted on behalf
of the Brookings Institution's Center for Public Service.
The full report is available at:

Assessing the Department of Homeland Security
The report urges Congress to revise President Bush’s Homeland Security

Protecting the Homeland: A Preliminary Analysis
This new study analyzes the Bush administration's proposals and recommends
additional steps.
A full copy of the report is available at:

Government’s Greatest Achievements: From Civil Rights to Homeland Security
This web companion to Paul C. Light's book, Government's Greatest
Achievement's: From Civil Rights to Homeland Security, is the result of a
project designed to understand what the federal government has most
actively endeavored to do since World War II, identify the top
achievements among its goals, and use its agenda from the past to weigh
its most pressing priorities for the future. Information about the
project is available at:


Protecting the American Homeland
Michael O’Hanlon, Peter Orszag, Ivo Daalder, I.M. Destler, David Gunter,
Robert Litan and James Steinberg

Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy
Paul Pillar

Technological Change and the Future of Warfare
Michael O’Hanlon

Brookings books can be ordered online or by calling the Brookings
Institution Press: 800-275-1447 (U.S.); 44-1235-766662 (U.K./Europe);
202-797-6258 (all other countries). See the complete catalog at:

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of Communications at 202/797-6105, or send an e-mail to us at:
The Brookings Institution
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Washington, DC 20036
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