I want to see more of this kind of stuff.  Where can I find more?


At 06:15 AM 11/11/2002 +0000, you wrote:


During the French and Indian War, the 23-year-old Washington was
fighting with the British against the French who were allied with
the Indians. On July 9, 1755, in the Battle of the Monongahela, the
British regiments were ambushed by the French and Indians. Of the
86 British and Virginia officers, only Washington was not shot off
his horse.

After retreating to Maryland, Washington wrote his mother. "After
the battle was over I took off my jacket and I had four bullet
holes through my jacket, but not a single bullet had touched me.
I had several horses shot out from under me, but I was not hurt in
any way. God's hand was on me. God protected me and kept me through
the battle."

In 1770, Washington traveled back to the region and an old Indian
chief, having heard Washington was back, traveled to meet him. The
chief told Washington, "You don't know me, but 15 years ago you and
I were in these same woods. I commanded the Indians you were
fighting that day. We saw you riding through the woods and knew you
were a leader. If we could kill you we knew your troops would
scatter, so I instructed my braves to fire at you. I personally
fired at you 17 times. When I saw that none of our bullets had any
effect on you, I told my braves to stop shooting. I have traveled
all this way to meet the man God would not let die in battle." This
spiritual account, and many others like it, used to be in our
history textbooks.

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