I fully concur with Marc on this one; especially these statements:
A. As far as the Church is concerned, if the offender has paid their
debt to society and undergone whatever action the Church authorities
determine, then he is forgiven. Please don't misconstrue the word
"forgiven" in this context, however. While Church authorities have the
power to absolve the offender from punishment or other disciplinary
actions, and allow that person full fellowship, it is the Savior who
forgives and grants the remission of sins. Bishops and Stake Presidents
do not have the authority to remit sins. Only the Savior (and perhaps a
few of His earthly servants - like the Prophet) have that power. I
believe, especially in the case of serious transgression, that the
Savior desires to see proof (through one's thoughts, words, and actions)
that they have repented (or turned from) their sins before giving them
the sweet peace that accompanies true forgiveness and remission of
B. Use common sense. While the Savior taught that we were to love all
men, he did not say that we were to TRUST all men. Trust is something
that has to be earned.
Hope this helps,

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/24/02 10:51PM >>>
There is really only one question here that anyone on this list can
answer, I'm
afraid, and that is what the general policy is regarding people who
have committed
crimes. If they have paid their debt to society, and undergone whatever
action the
Church authorities involved determined, then that person is forgiven.
atonement is infinite, covering all sins except the sin against the
Holy Ghost
(there is another category, the shedding of innocent blood, which we
are told
involves some additional action, but I assume that neither of these
sins is an

All the rest of the questions are ones which only you (or anyone else
who might be
thinking of dating or becoming friends with him) can answer. The only
advice I'd
dare give is just to use common sense and some caution. Observe how the
treats women when in a group setting, for instance. Trust is something
that has to
be earned, and sometimes it takes time.

Stacy Smith wrote:

> Hi.  I hope this issue does not violate the charter.  I have an
> problem.  I have decided quickly not to date an individual with a
> sexual history in the past.  However, he is a member in good
standing.  He
> has a temple recommend.  What is the general policy regarding people
> have committed crimes in the past?  Is it possible to date those
> individuals, to assume that they have repented and are in good
> with the church?  Do we assume the atonement has covered the
> sin?  Furthermore, what are we to do with the weakness that has been
> shown?  Can we trust such an individual?
> Stacy.
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  http://www.zionsbest.com/charter.html      ///

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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