The chapters in question were literally forced into the novel -- and were
from a failed attempt at a play that Conan Doyle had earlier written.  In
that play, the hero was the cliched "civilized Briton" in the cliched
uncivilized world -- in this case, Dr. John Watson.  The play was more or
less the standard *Riders of the Purple Sage* plot (Watson saves the
innocent maiden from the evil Moons) and did not include the character
Sherlock Holmes.  SPOLER ALERT!  The Utah chapters of "A Study in
Scarlet" (without which, the short novel would have been merely a long
short story) changed the ending in that the hero (by now, an American
whose name I forget) fails to save the maiden and he becomes the murderer
of the main (non-flashback) story.  We can be grateful that the play
didn't sell -- not only because there was no shortage of anti-Mormon
plays, but because the character of Sherlock Holmes made a positive
impact in literature and re-invented the detective genre.  And gave a
second career to Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett.

 "Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you
are doing the impossible."

On Sat, 12 Jul 2003 03:11:56 +0800 Mark Gregson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >     IIRC one of the very early (perhaps the first) Sherlock Holmes 
> > novels had a very anti storyline. Anyone out there who can either 
> > confirm or refute?
> Yep, and I've read the novel.  "A Study in Scarlet" (1887).  The 
> anti-Mormon stuff is not the focus of the book but prominence is 
> given to the notion of "avenging angels" i.e. members who kill 
> selected gentiles and apostates (cf. our earlier discussion about 
> "Danites").  Arthur Conan Doyle was merely reflecting current 
> beliefs about the Church. 
> This website, 
> wants its readers to know that we are just as dangerous as we were 
> in those "scarlet" times.  Sensationalism and gullibility are still 
> best sellers.
> =========  Mark Gregson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  =========
> -- 
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