No.  It is definitely a "cannot" according to both our Temple President and
our Stake President.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Valerie Nielsen Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Women working in the temple (was feminists)

On Mon, 6 Oct 2003 00:46:18 GMT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> -- Valerie Nielsen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This IS the current way it works.  My sister and her husband have
> been
> temple workers for years.  They have 6 children.  About 3 or 4 years
> ago,
> President Hinckley  said that women with children under 18 could not
> be
> temple workers.
> Chet asks:  Did he say "could" not, or "should" not?  It does seem
> that there are many exceptions.

Funny how one word makes all the difference.  I don't remember--he
probably said "should" although Temple presidents interpreted it "could."
 It seemed pretty strong, as I recall.

 So I wonder if it's really not on
> an individual basis that it's actually decided.  Before I forget,
> where was your sister the baptistry supervisor?  Louisville?

Chicago.  After Tom died last year, I'd frequently go up with them, and
when I was done with a session, I'd help her out in the Bapistry, then
we'd all do an evening session together before going home.   I love the
temple.  But, I've been bad and haven't been up all summer!  I'll repent.
 It sure makes the day-to-day drugery easier. . .of course, Conference
has had that effect on me as well.  I even felt strong, today, and called
my (former?) sister-in-law (haven't heard from ANY of Tom's family since
he died), and asked if she'd make the cakes for Christopher's graduation
in June.  She agreed!  Ah, the Spirit is good!

> Huzzah to you for your initiative in letting the Notre Dame TV
> station know they were doing a good job!  Bonus points to Valerie!

Aw, shucks!

> *jeep!
>  ~~Chet
> "If ya thinks ya is right, ya deserfs credit - even if ya is wrong."
> Gus Segar via Popeye
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