I would like to know more about this and to confirm exactly what the Hebrews had to do in their slavery and how they left by other sources.


At 06:43 PM 11/02/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Gerald Smith wrote:

There's an article in the Sep/Oct 2003 Biblical Archaeological Review
(BAR) magazine from Manfred Bietak, a well-known Egyptologist, on
finding evidence of the Israelites in Egypt...
He dates the site to the time of Ramses IV, Ramses IV reigned from 1153-1147 BC, so it is possible that the Exodus, according to him didn't occur until 1150-1125 BC.

I thought this interesting, and their evidence rather compelling for the
dating and evidence of an Exodus in the timeframe cited.

Grampa Bill comments:
   Some people just can't let sleeping Pauls lie. :-)
   Seriously Paul, how does this fit with your chronology?
Love y'all.
Grampa Bill in Savannah

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