Would SLCC allow a display of photos/art depicting homosexuals on their 
knees attempting to repent of their sin?  It would definitely promote 
discussion, wouldn't it?  I'm willing to do a pictorial expose of gays 
burning in hell, repenting on their knees before Christ, etc; if SLCC is 
willing to put them on display.  Anyone know anyone at SLCC who would be 
interested in such an idea?

Gays might find it offensive, but not more so than depicting LDS 
missionaries in a homosexual encounter.

Gary Smith

Jim Cobabe wrote:
> Deseret Morning News, Wednesday, March 10, 2004
> Gay art exhibit raises ire at SLCC
> Diversity Week show is moved away from entrance foyer
> By Doug Smeath
> Deseret Morning News
> A visual art exhibit at Salt Lake Community College was moved Tuesday 
> after a group of photographs offended several students who are members 
> of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
> The exhibit, part of SLCC's Diversity Week, raised the ire of students 
> who disapproved of depictions of two men dressed as LDS missionaries in 
> various stages of undress.
> The photographs suggested a homosexual relationship between the two men. 
> There was no nudity in any of the photos.
> The art show is sponsored by Coloring Outside the Lines, a club for gay, 
> lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual students. It was 
> originally in a foyer near the entrance of the South City Campus' main 
> building, 1575 S. State.
> But after a group of students "had some concerns" with the art, the 
> exhibit was moved to the Student Services Lounge, which is in the same 
> building, said Joy Tlou, SLCC's director of public relations.
> MaryEtta Chase, an assistant adviser to the club, said she wanted to 
> keep the exhibit where it would be visible, but she was concerned angry 
> students would somehow damage the art if it stayed where it was.
> Tlou described the decision to move the exhibit as the result of a 
> "conversation" in which both sides were able to express their opinions 
> and work out a compromise.
> "Colleges and universities are traditionally a place where ideas meet," 
> he said. "The students who were voicing the dissent were doing so in a 
> very civil way."
> But Kathryn Heaston, a student who is not affiliated with Coloring 
> Outside the Lines but said she witnessed the disagreement and got 
> involved, said the argument was a little more heated than that.
> "He (one of the offended students) got up in my face and was like, 'What 
> do you know about the Savior?' " said Heaston, who supports the club and 
> its display.
> Joseph Freed, one of the students who complained about the photos, told 
> KSL-TV he was exercising his right to express his opinion. "It offends 
> me and what I believe in," he said.
> Campus police officers were called to the site of the argument, but no 
> one was cited.
> The artist, Don Farmer, stopped by the school to see the exhibit Tuesday 
> morning. When he arrived, he found students arguing about his photos. He 
> is not a student at SLCC; he graduated from Westminster College with a 
> degree in art. But a club adviser asked him the night before the 
> exhibit's opening to submit pieces for the show.
> "I didn't think it would be in the lobby," Farmer said. "Had I known 
> (the photos would spark controversy), I probably would have asked for a 
> warning in front of the exhibit," telling potential viewers what to 
> expect.
> Farmer said the photos were part of his senior project at Westminster. 
> When they were displayed there, a similar controversy erupted, resulting 
> in a lawsuit against the school. However, Farmer said, the student who 
> filed the suit later dropped it after she spoke with Farmer and learned 
> of his intentions.
> Farmer said the photos were not "meant to be hateful or hurtful" but 
> were instead meant to "start dialogue." He set out to depict the 
> struggles of people trying to juxtapose their faith with their 
> sexuality. He said he was an active LDS Church member when he displayed 
> the photos at Westminster, and his bishopric was understanding about his 
> intentions. He is no longer actively LDS, he said.
> He said the men shown in the photos are both former LDS missionaries who 
> were in a relationship.
> "Art is scary," he said. "Art is something that challenges. I was scared 
> of the images. . . . I learned that there was something that these 
> images evoked."
> For some viewers, it was increased understanding; others were offended 
> but wanted to understand the reasoning behind the photos, he said.
> Farmer said he encountered a similar response at SLCC on Tuesday. The 
> scene was initially confrontational, he said, but when students realized 
> Farmer was the artist, they became "genuinely" interested in 
> understanding what Farmer was saying with his art.
> Diversity Week continues at SLCC, including a panel today at the South 
> City Campus on transgenderism and a debate Friday at the Redwood Campus 
> on the issue of gay marriage. The week will wrap up with Saturday's 
> Straight Over the Rainbow Diversity Dance at the Redwood Campus.

Gerald (Gary) Smith
geraldsmith@ juno.com

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