Let me offer another perspective on abortion, one that I held before joining
the church.

I myself was against abortion.  However, I felt physically sick when I
thought of those children born to drug addicts and worse.  Why should they
have to suffer?  Abortion was a much better choice.

Of course, I now have much greater knowledge.

It is interesting to see how compassion can be used by Satan to turn our
minds to support things which are abominations.  This is just like the
gay-marriage issue, where our compassion can sometimes blind us.

But as we all know, mercy cannot rob justice, and compassion cannot trump
eternal laws.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sander J. Rabinowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: [ZION] Feedback Please - Chapter 5

> Jonathan Scott wrote:
> > Each year there are 1.3 million abortions in the US.
> > There have been over 40 million abortions since Roe vs Wade
> > in the US alone.
> > Currently, 1 in every five pregnancies in the US results in abortion.
> > America has a population of 291 million.  Were abortion
> > illegal, its population would be approximately 331 million.  This is
> > a difference of 12%.
> I'll simply observe at this point that some persons advocate open access
> to abortion precisely because it reduces the population from what it
> might have been otherwise.  Zero Population Growth advocates tend to be
> the most radical of all, tending to feel that any extra person upon the
> face of the planet can only be a net liability, basically just another
> consumer of resources and generator of wastes.  The viewpoint is
> repugnant, but it exists nonetheless.  I even remember a couple of years
> ago responding to a woman's letter to the editor in our local paper that
> came from that perspective.
> All the best,
> /Sandy/
> --
> The Rabinowitz Family -- http://www.firstnephi.com
> Spring Hill, Tennessee
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