On 8/19/05, Jürgen Herrmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi!
> i have a backend to establish many2many relations between objects.
> the relations are all bi-directional. for the storage i use a
> PersistentMapping, keys are relation names (strings), values
> are PersistentLists that hold the (globaly uniqe) oids of the
> related objects (strings also).
> now my question: regarding performance and having conflict errors
> in mind (an object might well be related to several thousand others,
> such a PersistentList objectwould be that big then) - is it wise to
> use these two classes or is there something "better" to use?
> (any hints are ok, i'll gladly do the rtfm then :)

Take a look at the BTrees module, with OOBTree and IOBTree and so on.
Not sure where to find the docs.
> thanks in advance,
> juergen herrmann
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