
if I got things right, here's what happened:

- We took the first day's morning to have everyone talk about ideas they
  have for moving the ZODB further. This resulted in a feature list
  which you find attached.

- Jim started reviewing the various branches and got the 
  `blob-bushy-directory` branch merged to ZODB 3.8. The merge
  for ZODB 3.9 (trunk) remains to be done. (Jim: I'd be happy to do so)

- Dieter worked on giving persistent objects a size hint based on the
  pickle size which will allow us in the future to have cache strategies
  based on size (instead/in addition to object counts).

- After my iteration branch was reviewed by Jim I worked on cleaning
  some rough corners and got it merged a few minutes ago. 

- Laurence Rowe worked on a pure Python implementation of the
  `Persistent` base class. This will both help to have the ZODB run on
  non-CPython implementations of Python and also is a move toward
  a separation of Persistent objects and caches.

- Dieter also started working on having ZEO clients drop their cache
  files instead of verifying them, whenever they currently would start a
  `full verification` as this would usually be a huge performance hit
  for larger caches.
- We found and fixed a couple smaller issues along the way.

On Fri, 2008-08-29 at 15:58 -0500, Alan Runyan wrote:
> hey guys..
> i know everyone is busy but it would be really swell if someone
> could write up a bullet list of things discussed/done at sprint.
> Things I'm curious about:
>   - relstorage patch

I think Jim started looking at it.

>   - zeoraid patch

That's the iterator branch which landed a few minutes ago.

>   - transaction module (move to threading.local)
>   https://bugs.launchpad.net/zodb/+bug/239086

I think we didn't handle this.

>   - better import branch
>   http://svn.zope.org/ZODB/branches/ctheune-betterimport/

Jim reviewed it and it was either merged by now, or I'll do that in the
next days.

Christian Theune · [EMAIL PROTECTED]
gocept gmbh & co. kg · forsterstraße 29 · 06112 halle (saale) · germany
http://gocept.com · tel +49 345 1229889 7 · fax +49 345 1229889 1
Zope and Plone consulting and development
Feature notes from the ZODB sprint

Those are the notes as we put them down on the white boards. Beware: some of
them aren't straight-forward understandable from those notes.

- Guaranteed life time for volatile attributes proposal
- Dieter's cache organisation proposal
- Clean up interface between `Persistent` and the object cache
- ZEO: Have vote run in a separate thread
- ZEO: Improve logging for blocked transactions 
- Instrument ZEO client/server communication
- General ZODB cleanup/simplification:
  - General deabstractifications
  - Simplify client connection handling in ClientStorage
  - Move ZEO to use zc.ngi
  - Redo persistence (see Jim's proposal)
- merge weakref branch
- Merge bushy branch (3.9 remains to do)
- Move conflict resolution to the client
- BTrees: refactoring for a more simple type support
- BTrees: getstate/setstate (handle instance dicts)
- BTrees: per instance splitting parameters
- General ideas were discussed about various eager loading strategies,
  although none of them were found to be good enough to implement right away.
- `Sub-persistent`: let persistent objects decide whether they want to create
  a new database record or not.
- Pre-fetch cached values on invalidation.

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