Renaud Manus wrote:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: [zones-discuss] zones and cpu shares
> From: Niklas Jonsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Date: Thu Jul 19 2007 10:58:44 GMT+0200 (CEST)
>> Hi,
>> I have 5 zones on my machine,
>> I would like to change the cpu-shares for all these machines to look like 
>> this:
>> machine 1, Should have a minimum of 50% cpu share available all the time
>> machine 2-5, share the rest of the resources.
>> If I do this with pools (since this is a V445 with 4 cpu's) that would mean,
>> machine gets 2 cpu's, machine 2-5 only shares 1 cpu, and the global-zone 
>> gets one cpu.
>> Hope someone could explain how to do this.
> $ pooladm -e
> $ pooladm -s
> $ pooladm -c
> $ poolcfg -c 'create pset pset1 (uint.min = 2 ; uint.max = 2)'
> $ poolcfg -c 'create pset pset2 (uint.min = 1 ; uint.max = 1)'
> $ poolcfg -c 'create pool pool1'
> $ poolcfg -c 'create pool pool2'
> $ poolcfg -c 'associate pool pool1 (pset pset1)'
> $ poolcfg -c 'associate pool pool2 (pset pset2)'
> $ pooladm -c
> Assuming, the zones are up & running:
> $ poolbind -p pool1 -i machine1
> $ poolbind -p pool2 -i machine2
> $ poolbind -p pool2 -i machine3
> $ poolbind -p pool2 -i machine4
> $ poolbind -p pool2 -i machine5
> To make the bindings persistent, use
> $ zonecfg -z <zone> set pool=<pool>
> ---------------
> With latest OpenSolaris builds and upcoming S10U4, you can directly
> dedicate the cpus using zonecfg without creating pools.
> Eg:
>       $ zonecfg -z <zone>
>       add dedicated-cpu
>               set ncpus=2-2
>       end

With S10U4, a zone with dedicated CPUs gets its own, unshared temporary pool. 
  This example would work if the system had many more CPUs than a V445.  A 
temporary pool only exists while the zone is running.  When the zone stops, 
its dedicated CPUs are made available for assignment to other pools.

Also, you can "set ncpus=2" without setting a minimum and maximum.

Jeff VICTOR              Sun Microsystems            jeff.victor @
OS Ambassador            Sr. Technical Specialist
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