Michael Schmarck writes:
> In OpenSolaris 2008.11, is it possible to setup a non-global
> zone to be a DHCP client, when using shared IP interfaces?

No.  The support for that would need to be in zoneadmd, and it's not
there currently.

I implemented the necessary DHCP parts back in build 57 (DUID-based
client identifiers), but the Zones part never made it.  CR 5005887 was
closed based on the exclusive IP stack instances project, though it
didn't solve the problem for shared IP stack zones.

> Googling a bit around, I found a workaround at 
> http://www.opensolaris.org/os/project/crossbow/faq/#ipinst_dhcpclient
>     *    How do I configure the non-global zone to be a DHCP client?

This only works with exclusive stack instances, not shared.  There's
currently no way to do it with shared stack instances.

I think there probably should be a way to do this, but now that
5005887 has shipped, we'd probably need to open a new RFE for it.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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