On Fri, 19 Feb 2010 15:39:21 +0100, Jerry Jelinek <gerald.jeli...@sun.com> 

> On 02/19/10 06:53, Frank Batschulat (Home) wrote:
>> May I request 2 code reviewers for the changes for:
>> 6914152 zonecfg fails when less(1M) is missing
>> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6914152
>> http://cr.opensolaris.org/~batschul/zpager/
> This looks fine to me.  One nit:
> 911 & 5192 The error says ""Could not stat PAGER".  This error
>      message might be useful to a developer
>      but isn't that useful for a sysadmin.  Can you print
>      something more meaningful like "PAGER %s does not exist"

Thanks Jerry, that is indeed a valid concern, I changed it to be:

PAGER /usr/bin/nonsense does not exist (No such file or directory).
<snip end>

I included the real error string in case of permission errors where the
file does indeed exist and I am now dropping the mysterious "stat" part.

updated webrev:


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