
On 10/22/10 2:42 PM, "Patrick Hunt" <ph...@apache.org> wrote:

> Please vote as to whether you think ZooKeeper should become a
> top-level Apache project, as discussed previously on this list. I've
> included below a draft board resolution.
> Do folks support sending this request on to the Hadoop PMC?
> Patrick
> ------------
>     X. Establish the Apache ZooKeeper Project
>        WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
>        interests of the Foundation and consistent with the
>        Foundation's purpose to establish a Project Management
>        Committee charged with the creation and maintenance of
>        open-source software related to distributed system coordination
>        for distribution at no charge to the public.
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a Project Management
>        Committee (PMC), to be known as the "Apache ZooKeeper Project",
>        be and hereby is established pursuant to Bylaws of the
>        Foundation; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache ZooKeeper Project be and hereby is
>        responsible for the creation and maintenance of software
>        related to distributed system coordination; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the office of "Vice President, Apache ZooKeeper" be
>        and hereby is created, the person holding such office to
>        serve at the direction of the Board of Directors as the chair
>        of the Apache ZooKeeper Project, and to have primary responsibility
>        for management of the projects within the scope of
>        responsibility of the Apache ZooKeeper Project; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the persons listed immediately below be and
>        hereby are appointed to serve as the initial members of the
>        Apache ZooKeeper Project:
>          * Patrick Hunt         <ph...@apache.org>
>          * Flavio Junqueira     <f...@apache.org>
>          * Mahadev Konar        <maha...@apache.org>
>          * Benjamin Reed        <br...@apache.org>
>          * Henry Robinson       <he...@apache.org>
>        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Patrick Hunt
>        be appointed to the office of Vice President, Apache ZooKeeper, to
>        serve in accordance with and subject to the direction of the
>        Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation until
>        death, resignation, retirement, removal or disqualification,
>        or until a successor is appointed; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the initial Apache ZooKeeper PMC be and hereby is
>        tasked with the creation of a set of bylaws intended to
>        encourage open development and increased participation in the
>        Apache ZooKeeper Project; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that the Apache ZooKeeper Project be and hereby
>        is tasked with the migration and rationalization of the Apache
>        Hadoop ZooKeeper sub-project; and be it further
>        RESOLVED, that all responsibilities pertaining to the Apache
>        Hadoop ZooKeeper sub-project encumbered upon the
>        Apache Hadoop Project are hereafter discharged.

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