What you are seeing is the client attempting to reconnect to a server in the server list after a period of time (or retry if there is only a single server host in the list). There has been a patch since the last release which logs an INFO level message during client connection attempt, so this should be more obvious in future (you will see the disconnected but you will also see a new connection attempt message as well).

However this is not output to stdout, please feel free to enter a jira for this.



Kevin Burton wrote:
Shutting down my zookeeper server yields this on my client.

Continual disconnect events.

Shouldn't only one be issued?  The second one is not a state change.

WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected
WatchedEvent: Server state change. New state: Disconnected

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