That is probably a bit beyond reasonable levels of scaling.  For one thing,
putting 100,000 machines close together in a network is a bit tricky.  The
two major limitations are likely to be memory for keeping the watches on the
server side and bandwidth for publishing the notifications.

That said, ZK is solid enough that I would not be surprised if it scaled to
that level with sufficient memory and low enough update rate.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Avinash Lakshman <> wrote:

> Hi All
> Is it possible to have 100K machines register for a watch on a znode? I
> mean
> theoritically yes it should work but ZK scale to these many instances when
> it comes to delivering watch notifications? Perhaps no one has practical
> experience in dealing with this but is there any fundamental limitation
> that
> I should be aware of? These 100K machines are only interested in receiving
> notifications.
> Cheers
> Avinash

Ted Dunning, CTO

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