
So I'm trying to run hbase on 4 nodes, and in order to do that I need to run 
zookeeper in replicated mode (I could have hbase run the quorum for me, but 
it's suggested that I don't).

I have an issue though.  For some reason the id I'm assigning each server in 
the file "myid" in the assigned data directory is not getting read. I feel like 
another id is being created and put somewhere else. Does anyone have any tips 
on starting a zookeeper quorum? Do I create the myid file myself or do I edit 
one once it is created by zookeeper?

This is what my  config looks like:

The name of my machine is hadoop1, with user name hadoop. In 
/home/hadoop/zookeeper I've created a myid file with the number 1 in it.

Mark Vigeant
RiskMetrics Group, Inc.

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