There are 3 principal components to zookeeper: java server and client, c client. The c client is used in the perl/python bindings (available in the contrib directory).

The java code itself should run in any JVM 1.6 or later, however the docs/scripts and C code typically only run under unix or unix-like environments. This is why we recommend cygwin for windows.


ps. someone has contributed windows batch files for running the server/client, but this is currently unreleased change - it's slated to be included in the upcoming 3.3.0 release. Obviously you could just run the jvm w/o the scripts, this is fine.

Jiro Iwamoto wrote:
thank you for replying,  Patric.

OK. And I have question. Is cygwin used in zookeeper?
I think that zookeeper is composed of only Java. Is it right?

thank you.

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Patrick Hunt <> wrote:
The primary reason is testing. Secondly there just hasn't been much (any
really) interest in win32 for production, it's not used on that platform and
confidence is low as a result. We'd need to find one or more
users/developers that are interested in testing and fixing any issues found
on win32 (this would include one or more of the; java server, java client, c
client components), preferably someone who's actively using win32/zk in
production. Interested?


ps there's also the issue of cygwin vs native win32. I'm assuming that if
you want to run win32 in production you want native.

Jiro Iwamoto wrote:
Hi there.

I'm investigating "zookeeper" on win32.
I read that zookeeper is only usable on win32 development platform but
not production platform in this page.

Why cannot zookeeper use on win32 production platform?
Zookeeper is not tested well in win32?

Please tell me why.


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