i was looking through the docs to see if we talk about handling session 
expired, but i couldn't find anything. we should probably open a jira to add to 
the docs, unless i missed something. did i?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mahadev Konar [mailto:maha...@yahoo-inc.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 2:43 PM
To: zookeeper-user@hadoop.apache.org
Subject: Re: When session expired event fired?

 a zookeeper client does not expire a session until and unless it is able to
connect to one of the servers. In your case if you kill all the servers, the
client is not able to connect to any of the servers and will keep trying to
connect to the three servers. It cannot expire a session on its own and
needs to hear from the server to know if the session is expired or not.

Does that help? 


On 2/8/10 2:37 PM, "neptune" <opennept...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have a question. I started zookeeper(3.2.2) on three servers.
> When session expired event fired in following code?
> I expected that if client can't connect to server(disconnected) for session
> timeout, zookeeper fires session expired event.
> I killed three zookeeper server sequentially. Client retry to connect
> zookeeper server. Never occured Expired event.
> *class WatcherTest {
>   public static void main(String[] args) {
>     (new **WatcherTest*()).exec();
> *  }
>   private WatcherTest() throws Exception {
>     zk = new ZooKeeper("server1:2181,server2:2181:server3:2181", 10 * 1000,
> this);
>   }
>   private void exec() {
>     while(ture) {
>       //do something
>     }
>   }
>   public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
>     if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.None) {
>       switch (event.getState()) {
>       case SyncConnected:
>         System.out.println("ZK SyncConnected");
>         break;
>       case Disconnected:
>         System.out.println("ZK Disconnected");
>         break;
>       case Expired:
>         System.out.println("ZK Session Expired");
>         System.exit(0);
>         break;
>       }
>     }
> }
> *

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