Log message for revision 69053:
  tests for 'include' and 'raw' directives (which should
  throw NotImplementError for security reasons)

  U   Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/test_ZReST.py

Modified: Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/test_ZReST.py
--- Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/test_ZReST.py    2006-07-09 
03:57:18 UTC (rev 69052)
+++ Zope/trunk/lib/python/Products/ZReST/tests/test_ZReST.py    2006-07-09 
07:27:11 UTC (rev 69053)
@@ -56,14 +56,26 @@
         s = '<h1><a id="hello-world" name="hello-world">Hello World</a></h1>'
         self.assertEqual(s in html, True)
-        s = '<h1><a id="von-v-geln-und-fen" name="von-v-geln-und-fen">Von 
Vögeln und Öfen</a></h1>'
+        s = '<h1><a id="von-v-geln-und-fen" name="von-v-geln-und-fen">'\
+            'Von Vögeln und Öfen</a></h1>'
         self.assertEqual(s in html, True)
         # ZReST should render a complete HTML document
         self.assertEqual('<html' in html, True)
         self.assertEqual('<body>' in html, True)
+    def testFileInclusion(self):
+        resty = self._makeOne()
+        resty.source = 'hello world\n .. include:: /etc/passwd'
+        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, resty.render)
+# disabled test so far until we have a consensus how to deal with 'raw'
+#    def testRawPassthrough(self):
+#        resty = self._makeOne()
+#        resty.source = '.. raw:: html\n\n  <h1>HELLO WORLD</h1>'
+#        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, resty.render)
 def test_suite():
     suite = unittest.TestSuite()

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