Am 06.10.2008 um 09:47 schrieb Jens Vagelpohl:

> If all you want to do is tweak the main_template then a branch is
> overkill. I'd work directly on the trunk for that.

Easy enough, I guess.

>>>> What I am to do is to maintain the current design but make it much
>> easier to adapt through CSS, ie. swap between font-size based and
>> percentages. So good documentation of how the layout works is
>> essential.
> No worries, you've obviously done your homework. And thanks for taking
> this up, the current template has indeed aged a lot.

I'm probably better at HTML and CSS than I am at Python, although that  
said some of the newer stuff is pretty heavy. And having done a couple  
of sites that borrow heavily from CMFDefault over the last couple of  
years I've got an appreciation for what would make that easier.

Charlie Clark
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