
I've been working with Zope for almost two years now, and there are two
things that I feel is missing in the interface:

1. The ability to add a Base class after the class is created

2. The ability to rename properties after instances of the classes have
   been created (and have the data in those fields preserved)

Are there any technical reasons why these are not present? I know it is
possible to add base classes in retrospect via the hack described in


but are there plans for making this easier? 

As for #2, it is quite annoying and counter-productive not being able to
change a variable name that was decided a long time ago, or maybe by
others simply because there exist instantiated objects of that type.

Both of the above are pretty essential OO techniques (for me, at least),
and hinder my work quite a lot by not being there.

Any chance of these being fixed at all? Or are there reasons that I do not
know about that makes this impossible?


Alexander Limi

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