Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>At 06:19 PM 11/29/00 +1100, Itai Tavor wrote:
>>I'm trying to figure out the right way to implement a set of classes
>>and roles in ZPatterns. I asked some questions about this a while
>>ago, and then went away and did some learning, but I'm stuck again
>>and I'm afraid I need to ask more questions.
>>I have two types of actors - Person (with properties name, phone,
>>email, password) and Organization (with properties name, phone, fax,
>>I also have two participants - Customer and Reseller. Each
>>participant can be either a Person or an Organization.
>>The participants can fill several roles, like OrderingEntities,
>>BillableEntities, etc.
>>Starting from the bottom, I create a Specialist for each role, each
>>one with two virtual Racks - customerRack and ResellerRack, so I can
>>refer to an OrderingEntity without caring if it's a Reseller or
>>My problem is in implementing the Participant Specialists and storing
>>Participant and Actor classes. Do I create Specialists for the
>>Actors? It seems to me that since there is either one Person or one
>>Organization per Customer, then the actor object should be created in
>>the Customers Specialist. So Customers will have 3 Racks -
>>defaultRack (using Customer object), personRack (using Person object)
>>and organizationRack (using Organization object). Does this make
>I think what you want is to have an Actors specialist containing a
>personRack and organizationRack.  That
>is, treat "Actor" as a role relative to either Customer or Reseller.
>The reason I say, "I think", is because I'm really not clear on why you're
>doing certain things here to start with.  See below.
>>If this is a good way to do it, how do I handle creating and
>>accessing the Person and Organization objects? Do I call
>>personRack.newItem(newCustomerId) in the script that creates the
>>customer? Or do I somehow do it in a SkinScript in defaultRack? And
>>how do I get to the Person data? With an attribute provider? Or in
>Here's a red flag: why are you creating a person when you create a
>customer?  If a person is something that you only make when you have a
>customer, then the actor-participant-transaction pattern isn't really
>valid, IMHO.  For Actor-Participant-Transaction to make sense, you have to
>have Actors that exist seperate from the Participants.  While it makes
>sense to be able to create an Actor at the same time, your model needs to
>also include a way to select an *existing* Actor as the Participant,
>otherwise you are not gaining anything from the A-P-T pattern and you might
>as well just have the Participant.

I think I have problems understanding the whole A-P-T pattern. Maybe 
someone can help clear it up for me...

An Actor is a Person or an Organization. A Participant can be (in my 
application) a Customer, Customer Contact, Reseller, ResellerContact, 
or Employee. Participants have different roles - for example, all 
Participants can place orders on behalf of customers, and they take 
on the OrderingEntity role. Orders are always paid for by Customers 
in their role as BillableEntities. Now, OrderingEntities and 
BillableEntities are roles that actualize the object connections 
between the Participants and the Transaction objects (in the above 
examples, the Transaction object would be Order), right? They are not 
new Participants. So in this application, while Participants can fill 
multiple roles, each Actor can only be a single Participant. A Person 
participating as a CustomerContact is (in the real world) employed by 
the Customer, so in the application she won't participate as anything 
else. So the A-P pattern seems to serve the purpose of reusing common 
properties and methods, rather than allowing for n-1 relationship 
between Actors and Participants. This seems to me to suggest that the 
application should have a Person class but that the Person will get 
created when a new Participant is created, and that a 'select 
existing Actor as Participant' interface, as Phillip suggests above, 
is not necessary. Am I right, or do I persist in misunderstanding 

A related problem I've been struggling with is how to allow a 
Reseller to buy product for itself/herself. Normally orders are 
placed for Customers only. Would it make more sense to create a role 
for entities that receive orders (implemented as a Specialist with 
virtual Racks for Customers and Resellers), or to complicate the A-P 
pattern by allowing a single Actor to be both a Reseller and a 
Customer? The new role path seems to make more sense to me, but I've 
been known to be wrong before :).

>Here's a pattern for mapping A-P-T interactions onto ZPatterns, however...
>If you are doing A-P-T, make sure you use a Specialist for access to the
>Actors.  For example, in some applications Ty and I write, "acl_users" is
>designated as the Specialist for actors if all actors in the system have to
>be able to use the application.  The user interface and implementation for
>creating and/or selecting actors to fill a participant role is placed in
>the actors' specialist - acl_users in our case, or perhaps a specialist
>called "Actors" in yours.  (But I'd recommend you use a domain-specific
>name, if possible.)  So you would not be worrying about whether to create a
>person or organization or what fields they need or anything else in the
>specialist for your "participant" objects.  Indeed, you wouldn't be
>worrying about whether a new one was being created, or an old one selected,
>if you delegate that aspect of the UI to the actors' Specialist.

I like the idea of using acl_users as the actors Specialist, it's 
much simpler than what I intended to do - have virtual Racks in 
acl_users that access users in all the different Participant 
Specialists. But doing it this way creates another problem for me - 
your acl_users authenticates Actors, not Participants. But in many 
cases the application needs to know the Participant* , and that 
requires that the Actor know its Participant. But knowing the 
Participant requires knowing the *type* of Participant - which is 
very ugly. How would you work this out?

   * For example, an employee of a reseller company logs in and places 
an order for a customer. The Participant is a ResellerContact, and a 
commission from the order has to be credited to the Reseller.

Itai Tavor                    "Je sautille, donc je suis."
C3Works    [EMAIL PROTECTED]              - Kermit the Frog

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