I'm not really sure when this was asked ( I dont think it was '99) :)

The <img> tag is in the containing document, not the actual method which returns the image... Somewhere else you have an <img src="myZopeUrlWhichReturnsAnImage"> which is where you slap the height and width tags.

On Friday, November 12, 1999, at 07:40 AM, Juan Javier Carrera Obrero wrote:

Thanks, I have displayed the images which them was stored in a Oracle's BLOB field, with:
<dtml-call expr="RESPONSE.setHeader('content-type','image/jpeg')">
<dtml-in SQLMethod_with_a_Only_Row>
<dtml-var expr="BLOB_FIELD.read()">
However, I would like to resize this image. I can not do it with the "height" and "width" attributes, because the image is obtained from a Oracle's BLOB field, and no from image object (i.e.: I can not use <dtml-var "ImageObject.tag(border='5', align='left')">).

How can I do it ?
Thanks again !

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