Kai Hoppert wrote at 2004-7-16 10:54 +0200:
>cmf 1.4.4
>i tried and tested a bit around with webdav and noticed that manage_afterAdd is 
>called two times in putting a file into Plone . Yea i know this is not the list for 
>Plone but i think this is more a problem from zope, webdav and cmf. 
> File "/var/lib/zope271/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py", line 110, in PUT
>    ob = factory(name, typ, body)
>File "/var/lib/zope271/lib/python/webdav/NullResource.py", line 127, in PUT
>    self.__parent__._setObject(name, ob)
>These two lines from the traceback are the mainproblem i think. First manage 
>manage_afterAdd will be called after creating the Object and second it is called 
>after writing the object into zodb. 

I am sure "manage_afterAdd" is only called in "_setObject" (which writes
the object to ZODB -- in some sense; the actual write happens only during
commit). "manage_afterAdd" is not called before "_setObject".

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