On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 09:45:34AM -0700, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
| Could somebody please tell me how to install zope.interface from the
| latest svn? I'm running the Twisted unit tests against the latest
| Python binaries from the Python trunk (2.6) and they fail because of a
| variable named 'with' which generates a syntax error. I understand that
| this issue has long been fixed in zope.interface in svn, so I'd like to
| get past it by using the latest svn code.
| I tried doing a svn co like this:
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] proj]$ svn co
| http://svn.zope.org/Zope3/trunk/src/zope/interface zope.interface
| svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/Zope3/trunk/src/zope/interface'
| svn: PROPFIND of '/Zope3/trunk/src/zope/interface': 301 Moved
| (http://svn.zope.org)

You got pretty close, but not enough.

Should be:

  svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/zope.interface/trunk

Looks like it does work as an egg too, judging from the latest

Sidnei da Silva
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