
the German speaking Zope Users Group (DZUG e.V.) organizes a series of 4 
sprints this year to support feature development within the proximity of 
the ZTK and solve problems encountered by Zope, Plone and Python developers.

This is the announcement of the first sprint, although it's a bit late, 
I'd like you to consider whether you might wanna join us.

Where and when

The sprint is scheduled for April 6th 2011 to April 8th 2011 and will 
take place at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam, Germany, which is 
where Martin v. Löwis is working at.

On April 8th there will be a separate event in the evening for 
presenting the results of the sprint to Non-Sprinters in a relaxed 


The sprint topics will revolve around PyPI and zc.buildout including:

* Making PyPI faster (Chameleon integration)

* Adding support for the PyPI mirroring protocol to zc.buildout

* Discussing how to deal with "private" releases

* Porting zc.buildout to Python 3

More topic suggestions in this area are welcome - we'll gather them and 
review based on the following criteria:

* Each topic in the sprint should be supported and worked on by at
   least two developers from independent organisations (to ensure
   a reasonable amount of varying perspective).

* Each topic should be specific enough and limited in scope
   so that we can deal with it in 2 days in such a way that we
   get a result we can continue to build on and use.

* We do not only want to see code but also documentation: be
   prepared to write module-specific developer documentation as well
   as documentation on how to use what you build.

* Each topic shall be presented to others on Friday evening
   in a way that clarifies it's relevance and context.

Please send your topic suggestions to spri...@dzug.org.


Developers may participate after asking for an invitation and committing 
to one of the selected topics or suggesting a topic that gets selected.

The organisation team may actively invite developers whose reputation 
suggests that they would be highly valuable within the scope of the sprint.

Please be aware that the main working language of the sprint will be 
German. We're happy to have non-German-speaking developers around but be 
prepared to hear quite some amount of our tongue. ;)

Please send your requests for participation by email to


Organizing those sprints requires financial support - to make this 
sprint series sustainable we kindly ask you to consider sponsoring our 
effort. We have prepared sponsoring packages of 250 EUR to support a 
single sprint or 800 EUR to support all 4 sprints. If you're interested 
in a sponsoring package, please contact me by direct email.

More information

More information is available on the sprint website in German at

If you would like to get more information in English, feel free to 
respond to this post or contact me personally.

Best regards,

Christian Theune · c...@gocept.com
gocept gmbh & co. kg · forsterstraße 29 · 06112 halle (saale) · germany
http://gocept.com · tel +49 345 1229889 0 · fax +49 345 1229889 1
Zope and Plone consulting, development, hosting, operations

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