Hi Anand,

please reply to the list, no only to me personally.

anand  d wrote:
> ::::Some While Ago u wrote:::::::::
> #I made some patches to pyperl and the unit testing suite some months
> #ago. At least basic functionality is working again. Have a look at the
> #zope-perl mailing list.
> #I don't know if I announced a single source tar.gz on this mailing list
> #but if you have still some interest in this I can mail you the package.

> I am attempting to install pyperl and am having an issue where it
> can't find perl2.so even though perl2.so is available in
> /python/site-packages.

Again: Which Un*x/Linux distribution are you using? What is the *exact*
version number of your pyperl?

The error is expected if you are using an old version of pyperl!

Nevertheless I put some patches together. The tar.gz is not an
official release.

See http://www.felix-schwarz.name/files/opensource/pyperl/


Zope-perl maillist  -  Zope-perl@zope.org

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