Fala Gaspar!

jah se discutiu mta coisa sobre migracao aqui na lista e um conselho que foi dado aqui, nao vou lembrar por quem(acho q foi o Jean), é de migrar de versao em versao... ou seja nao migrar do Z27 pro Z29, mas sim migrar por entre as versoes tanto de Zope qto de Plone, isso deve tornar a migracao menos traumatica.

Se vc tem produtos customizados escritos nessa versao de Plone vc vai precisar reescreve-los tbm.

enfim, confesso q nao vi o log d erro, eh soh uma dica :)


On 9/19/06, alsg_df <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Estamos migrando nosso site da versão 2.7 para a versão 2.9 do Zope e
Plone 2.0.4 para 2.5. Temos tido inúmeros problemas na exportação dos

Vc pode me informar se isso é impossível e temos que começar
do zero ou existe alguma solução para o problema para não começarmos
Ao executar o procedimento são geradas as seguintes msg.
•      Starting the migration from version: 2.0.4
•      Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.4
•      Upgrade to: 2.0.5-rc1, completed
•      Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.5-rc1
•      Upgrade to: 2.0.5-rc2, completed
•      Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.5-rc2
•      Renamed Folder 'properties' tab to 'edit'.
•      Added 'folderlisting' action to Topics.
•      Interchanged 'edit' and 'sharing' tabs.
•      Upgrade to: 2.0.5, completed
•      Attempting to upgrade from: 2.0.5
•      Upgrade aborted
•      Error type: exceptions.AttributeError
•      Error value: mimetypes_registry

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFPlone/MigrationTool.
py", line 299, in upgrade newv, msgs = self._upgrade(newv)

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFPlone/MigrationTool.
py", line 396, in _upgrade res = function(self.aq_parent)

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFPlone/migrations/v2_
1/alphas.py", line 61, in two05_alpha1 installArchetypes(portal, out)

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFPlone/migrations/v2_
1/alphas.py", line 267, in installArchetypes installOrReinstallProduct
(portal, product_name, out)

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFPlone/migrations/mig
ration_util.py", line 82, in installOrReinstallProduct

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFQuickInstallerTool/Q
uickInstallerTool.py", line 322, in installProduct res=install
•      File "/opt/Zope-
2.9/lib/python/Products/ExternalMethod/ExternalMethod.py", line 225,
in __call__ try: return f(*args, **kw)

      File "/var/zope/portalcolaborativo/Products/PortalTransforms/E
xtensions/Install.py", line 30, in install addTool('Portal
•      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFCore/utils.py",
line 635, in manage_addTool self._setObject(obj.getId(), obj)
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/OFS/ObjectManager.py", line
331, in _setObject notify(ObjectAddedEvent(ob, self, id))
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/event/__init__.py", line
23, in notify subscriber(event)
•      File "/opt/Zope-
2.9/lib/python/zope/app/event/dispatching.py", line 66, in dispatch
for ignored in subscribers(event, None):
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/component/__init__.py",
line 181, in subscribers return sitemanager.subscribers(objects,
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/component/site.py", line
89, in subscribers return self.adapters.subscribers(required,
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/interface/adapter.py",
line 481, in subscribers subscribers = [subscription(*objects)
•      File "/opt/Zope-
2.9/lib/python/zope/app/event/objectevent.py", line 192, in
objectEventNotify adapters = subscribers((event.object, event), None)
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/component/__init__.py",
line 181, in subscribers return sitemanager.subscribers(objects,
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/component/site.py", line
89, in subscribers return self.adapters.subscribers(required,
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/zope/interface/adapter.py",
line 481, in subscribers subscribers = [subscription(*objects)
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/OFS/subscribers.py", line 114,
in dispatchObjectMovedEvent callManageAfterAdd(ob, event.object,
•      File "/opt/Zope-2.9/lib/python/OFS/subscribers.py", line 137,
in callManageAfterAdd ob.manage_afterAdd(item, container)

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/PortalTransforms/Transf
ormEngine.py", line 379, in manage_afterAdd transforms.initialize

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/PortalTransforms/transf
orms/__init__.py", line 60, in initialize engine.registerTransform

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/PortalTransforms/Transf
ormEngine.py", line 481, in registerTransform self._mapTransform

      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/PortalTransforms/Transf
ormEngine.py", line 261, in _mapTransform registry = getToolByName
(self, 'mimetypes_registry')
•      File "/var/zope/softwarelivre/Products/CMFCore/utils.py",
line 82, in getToolByName raise AttributeError, name
•      End of upgrade path, migration has finished
•      The upgrade path did NOT reach current version
•      Migration has failed



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