Tim Peters wrote:
[Michael Haubenwallner]

The currently on zope.org installed version of 'CMFPackage' simply
reverse sorts the container swpackages on the version string,
thus creating some unexpected results which has led to user requests in
the past.

Does anyone object to (or has knowledge of problems with) changing the
Version strings in a way that makes the listing look 'more' appropriate ?

I did that for old ZODB releases late last year.  For example,


The listing made a lot more sense then, but had the unwanted side
effect of changing the "last modified" column to 2004-11-06 for all
final releases in the ZODB 3.1 line.  It's not good (IMO) to lose the
original release date, but better that leaving the recent releases
near-impossible to find (incl. having the "Latest Release" blurb in
the upper right name an ancient release!).

I found that it is possible to use CMFRelease.setVersion() - protected by ModifyPortalContent - to set the version string without changing the ModificationTime of the object.

I have already created and tested a form and a script to change the version string on existing SWRelease objects.

I suppose that between 20 and 50 SWPackage objects need to be touched.
Rules for changing the version-strings would be discussed/tested here
before modification.

Here is the listing of versions/urls from current /Products/Zope:

After changing (almost all) version strings the listing looks like so:

I used:
- 3 digit version numbers
 + ' a1',' a2',' b1',' rc1',... for alpha,beta and rc releases
 + '-final' for the released version
- '+Hotfix: YYYY-MM-DD ' prefix for the hotfixes

What do you think ?



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