Florent Guillaume wrote:
> Ivo van der Wijk  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>- Errors withing PageTemplates (and/or associated views) aren't
>>displayed very intuitively either. The PageTemplate causing the error
>>is usually not mentioned either. If I recall correctly, someone
>>already had a patch to give more sensible stacktraces for errors in
> Somone has added for Zope 2 some __traceback_supplement__ and
> __traceback_info__ to various Products.PageTemplates methods; I'm sure
> those could be adapted for zope.pagetemplate. They are really helpful.

To make these two special names work, I replaced the standard traceback
formatter with a formatter that looks for these names.  However, the
special formatter also replaced filenames with module names, which
annoyed other developers, so they ripped out the special formatter.  I
think it would be beneficial to bring back the special formatter, but
this time output filenames instead of module names.

See zope.exceptions.exceptionformatter.

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