El jue, 04-08-2005 a las 09:50 -0400, Tim Peters escribió:
> [Antonio Beamud Montero]
> > I have downloaded and when I've make a check:
> > .....
> > Failure in test testUmask (zdaemon.tests.testzdrun.ZDaemonTests)
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File
> > "/home/antonio/src/noarch/zope/Zope-3.1.0c1/build/lib.linux-i686-2.3/zdaemon/tests/testzdrun.py",
> >  line 260, in testUmask
> >    self.assert_(not os.access(path, os.W_OK))
> >  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
> >    if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg
> > AssertionError
> > ....
> > I'm using a Debian sarge with kernel, python 2.3.5.
> Are you running tests as root?  If so, do not run tests as root,
> neither run Zope as root.  If you're not running tests as root, then
> you're seeing a problem nobody else has seen before.

Yes, I'm running tests as root... :(
Thank you

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