Am Freitag, 11. November 2005 16:11 schrieb Jean-Marc Orliaguet:

> Hi Helmut!

Hi Jean-Marc,

thanks for your remarks,

just before going into more detail: My primary concern was the 
API - it would really fine if there could be a simple (as simple 
as possible but not simpler) standard set of (low-level) 
interfaces on which to build (defining semantically richer 
interfaces) and for which to provide implementations (depending 
on the needs of the application).

The implementation with the catalog should serve as a (again 
fairly simple but working) example and a proof of concept; I 
think I would be just lucky if it would show up as really 
useful ;-) (but maybe...)

> I can tell you about the design decisions made in the case of
> the relation tool included in CPSSkins. They don't necessarily
> appear in the code itself in an obvious way.
> 1) separate storage from storage policy
> the relation storage stores what it is told to store, as long
> as the objects are Relatable they can be stored. The storage
> policy (using unique ids or not, etc..) is the responsibility
> of the application itself. To impose a unique id policy when
> storing elements would be a mistake in my opinion (in the case
> of cpsskins it wouln't work either).

The only prerequisite for using the IntIds utility is that the 
objects are persistent (provide IPersistent). If one wants to 
relate objects that are not persistent or have relations that 
for some reason can't be persistent you can't use the catalog 
approach because the catalog depends on IntIds.

So the catalog-based implementation won't be usable for relations 
between in-memory objects (like views, adapters and related 
stuff), that's true.

> 2) keep the relation storage index as small as possible.
> Do not index predicates, the same predicates are used in too
> many relations, the size of the index ould just increase
> dramatically. Instead only index the elements that are inside
> the relation, the chances that the same elements are related
> in many different ways are very low.
>     cf.

I read this, and it indeed gave me the impression that it might 
be a not so bad idea to use a catalog ;-)

>     I don't know about using the zc.catalog for indexing
> relations, you could end up in huge indexes and very slow
> queries.

This is one of my concerns, too, but I'm fairly optimistic: the 
catalog indexes store a common string to be indexed only once, 
so having identical ; I'm working with the Archetypes reference 
engine (that uses - at least in this respect - the same kind of 
catalog indexes) in situations with many thousands of objects 
and didn't get problems of this kind.

> 3) don't make the API for querying the storage be too
> intelligent,

The query() method using the catalog's searchResults() / apply() 
methods was the dumbest one I could thing of ;-)

>  to create complex queries, create complex predicates instead,
> i.e.
>    - predicates that combine several predicates
>    - proxy predicates (when the predicate is evaluated at
> runtime and a method is specifed instead)
>     cf
>     if you need to do really complex queries, do several
> queries and filter out the results afterwards  in you
> application unless you're fine with ending up with a huge
> catalog index.

To be honest, I never thought about complex queries as I just 
want to find e.g. the subtasks of a task and the resources 
allocated to it - maybe my use case is just somewhat simple.

OTOH: An advantage of using a catalog are the - as I think - 
fairly efficient set operations on search results for the 

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