Lennart Regebro wrote:
> I think I agree. This to me makes sense. If it were nameless (are
> there nameless utilities) you could then get off with just  <utility
> component=".alias.sydneyFactory" /> which is then the on/off switch we
> mentioned earlier. And an adapter should be registered the same way
> <adapter component=".alias.FidgetAdapter" /> and what it adapts
> between should be a part of the python-code with an adapts(ISomething)
> declaration, just like implements(ISomethingelse), which I think you
> suggested in your "ZCML does doo much" blog, right?

Among other things, yes. The idea isn't mine though, it was Jim's and is
already in-place as of Zope 3.2/2.9.

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