Hi there,

In this mail I'd like to make explicit some competing design influences on ZCML.

The first interpretation of what ZCML is:

ZCML is a configuration language that provides abstract directives for configuring Zope applications. If we're setting up a page, we use the page directive. If we're setting up a skin, we use a skin directive. If we're setting up an adapter, we use an adapter directive.

Even if two directives underneath only set up adapters (such as browser:page and zope:adapter), we still think it's valuable to have two directives, as we make explicit what we are doing.

ZCML should be readable without having to consult Python code a lot. I.e. if we set up an adapter, we know what interface it's working for and we know what interface the adapter is providing just by looking at the ZCML.

I believe that the first interpretation is the traditional interpretation of ZCML.

A newer interpretation of ZCML is:

ZCML is a configuration language that configures a number of basic directives for configuring the component architecture and security: adapters, utilities, security requirements, and little else. Everything else should be done in Python code, as configuration in Python code is more flexible and packages can form a more self-contained whole. ZCML should reflect the underlying universality of the component architecture.

If two directives work with, say, adapters underneath, they should really be one directive. ZCML should be simple and minimal so it is easy to grasp.

ZCML is not readable standalone. ZCML is simply used to turn on various adapters and such, hooking them into the system, but we do not get a clue what the adapters are doing by just looking at the ZCML - Python code needs to be consulted.

I believe that this interpretation is the up-and-coming interpretation of ZCML.

(the third interpretation of ZCML is that it's evil and should be destroyed I'd like to leave out of this discussion - the outcome doesn't matter that much if you're of that persuasion)

Of course, these interpretations have never been made very explicit. We have discussions where they are implicitly present, though. Reducing the namespaces in ZCML drastically makes more sense from the second perspective than from the first. Adding a new ZCML directive to support annotations makes more sense from the first and doesn't make much sense from the second interpretation.

Which one of these interpretations is the right one for the future?

I realize that the interpretations I sketch out may be extreme ends of a spectrum. I haven't seen a lot of advocacy the removal of browser:page, for instance. It may be that the real ZCML should be in the middle of these two interpretations. If so we should make our criteria explicit somehow, too - when do we really want to add a directive, and when do we really not want to remove a directive?

Perhaps there is whole other perspective possible on ZCML that resolves this whole issue. Let us know if you have one!


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