On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 12:48:08PM -0400, Jim Washington wrote:
| Back in March, there was a (tiny) bit of discussion here about using
| wsgi middleware for gzipping zope3 responses.
| I have now had time to take a look at the concept, and it seems good.
| So, for a preview of another gzipping implementation for zope3, please
| take a look at http://zif.hill-street.net/gzipper
| For use with zope3, it requires zope.paste (Thanks, Sidnei!)
| features:
|     iterable-friendly - outputs as iterable at the same time it receives
| from the application iterable
|     memory-friendly? - can use a tempfile buffer to perhaps reduce
| memory usage
|     configurable excludes - easily exclude any content-types you want
| from gzipping
| At the same URL, I'm also previewing a similar package to minimize
| javascript.
| As usual, installation and configuration instructions are in the README
| (http://zif.hill-street.net/gzipper/README.txt).

What can I say?? NEAT! Thanks for doing this!

Sidnei da Silva
Enfold Systems                http://enfoldsystems.com
Fax +1 832 201 8856     Office +1 713 942 2377 Ext 214
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